Friday 6 February 2015

1vs1vs1 FFA Necrons vs Dark Eldar vs Space Wolves: 500pts Deathmatch

Location: Titan Games
Pointage: 500 points
Mission: Deathmatch
Deployment: Dawn of War


Destroyer Lord with Warscythe, Phase Shifter & Nightmare Shroud- 190 points
8 Praetorians- 224 points
5 Immortals- 85 points

Total Points: 499

Dark Eldar

Succubus with Haywire Grenades & Archite Glaive- 100 Points

2 units of 5 Kabalite warriors- 40 points each
+2 dedicated transport Venom with Nightshields- 70 points each
5 Wyches, 1 with Hydra Gaunlets- 55 points
+ dedicated transport Raider with Nightshields, Athersails and Dark lance- 80 points
4 Kymeras- 40 points
Total Points: 495

Space Wolves

Rune Priest with Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter & Runic Axe- 90 Points
Predator with Twin Linked Lascannons, Lascannons, Heavy Bolter and Dozer Blades- 165 Points
3 Terminators with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields- 144 Points
3 Longfangs with Missle Launchers- 100 Points

Total Points: 499


After introducing the armies Warlord Traits were rolled.

Necrons rolled and got the Zealot special rule.

Dark Eldar got the Hatred rule.

Space Wolves rolled and got the Saga of the Hunter rule.

Space Wolves then rolled for Psychic abilities.

Primaris : Living Lightning. (Witchfire)
Rolled Jaws of the World Wolf. (Focused Witchfire)


Deployment Order. DE>NEC>SW

DE deployed Kymeras in the top left corner hiding behind a wall, hiding from sight.

NEC deployed in the centre bottom. Immortals on the top of ruins, Destroyer lord and praetorians to the left of the ruins.

SW deployed in the top right corner, Longfangs in ruins overlooking the battlefield, Predator right in the corner plateau accompanied by the Rune Priest and his terminators.


DE kymeras turn 1 cower in fear go to ground.  EOT.

Necrons jumped 12" and ran 4" towards a trench, headed towards the kymeras,  EOT.

SW shot 2 Longfang missiles at immortals 1 hit but saved , Predator twin-linked lascannons hit, cover saved 5+, side lascannon missed. EOT.


DE roll reserves raider in, deep strike, mishap , rolls a 3 and gets placed in a trench within rapid fire range of immortals .  Shoots dark lance at predator tank but does nothing. EOT.

Necrons move 12” towards kymeras.  Shooting phase , rod of covenant against Kymera, 4 shots 2 hit 2 wound both saved, immortals fire at the DE raider wrecking it. Wychs and Succubus spill out. Praetorians fail charge against kymeras. EOT.

SW move terminators 6 inches into the trench towards the Wyches.  Predator moves to edge of plateau to get into range of the wyches.
Longfangs miss all 3 missiles against the wyches.  Rune priest storm bolter 2 shots against Wyches, 1 hit 1 wound not saved killing a wych.  Twinlinked lascannon hits 1 wych but cover saved. Lascannon missed. EOT.


DE rolls for much needed reserves and gets both remaining Venoms. Venom 1 deepstrikes in between the NEC praetorians and immortals and Venom 2 deepstrikes near the wyches to provide support. The wyches move into the trench, headed towards the Rune Priest. 
Venom 2 and its kabalite warriors fire at the terminators and Venom 2 fires at the immortals and causes no wounds. Kymeras charge at the praetorians. 2 kymeras die. EOT.

SW in their haste, told the necrons to fuck off and just started shooting. Longfangs caused 2 wounds on Venom 2, which is finished off by the Predator, wrecking it. Kabalite warriors took cover behind the smoking wreckage.  Rune priest and his Terminators opened fire on the Wyches. His Storm bolter took out one Wych but they failed the charge. EOT.

Necrons. If they had eyeballs they would've rolled them. Immortals opened fire on Venom 1 but fail to cause any damage. Praetorians finished off the Kymeras. EOT.


DE. Wyches move 6'' in trench towards terminators, shot and caused no wounds. Venom 1 shot at praetorians caused 1 wound but saved. Wyches charged terminators. Succubus challenged rune priest and takes 1 wound.  Wyches kill one terminator. (TIM ROLLED 4 1s out of 4 holy shiet.) EOT.

Necrons, immortals shoot  and kill 2 Kabalite warriors from Venom 2.  Praetorians charge and destroy Venom 1, Armour gets penetrated and it explodes, killing one Kabalite Warrior. EOT.

SW. Longfangs fire took out  one immortal. Terminators continue combat and kill one Wych. EOT.


DE. Kabalites from Vemon 1 killed 4 praetorians, but lost 1 to Overwatch .EOT.

Necrons. Destroyer lord kills 1 Kabalite Warrior from Venon 1. EOT.

SW Close combat with DE finally ends, killing off remaining Wyches and the Succubus. Rune Priest takes 1 wound. EOT.


DE. Continues combat with Praetorian. No losses on either said. EOT.

Necrons. Immortals shot at terminators. No wounds. Destroyer lord kills kabalite warriors removing all traces of DE from the battlefield. consolidate at 6”. EOT.

SW. Fired at immortals causing no wounds. EOT.

Game ends. Draw NEC/SW 3 Victory Points each.

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