Tuesday 10 March 2015

Ones for Austin's Batrep
9th March 2015

Point Limit: 1000
Scenario: Maelstrom of War (Contact Lost)

Space Marines/Inquisition List (1000 Points):

Primary Detachment (Combined Arms Detachment)

HQ (Warlord)
Ultramarines Chapter Master (Artificer Armor, Bike, Bolt Pistol, Chainswword, Melta bombs, The Shield Eternal)
Warlord Trait: The Imperium's Sword (One use. Warlord and unit gets Furious Charge rule till next turn)

Bike Squad (Sgt with Chainsword/Melta bombs. 4 Space Marine Bikers with 2 Flamers)

Tactical Squad w Drop Pod (Sgt with Chainsword and Plasma Pistol, 4 Space Marines with one meltagun)

Tactical Squad w Drop Pod (Sgt with Chainsword and Plasma Pistol, 4 Space Marines with one meltagun)

Secondary Detachment

Inquisitor Coteaz (Bolt Pistol, Krak Grenades, MC Nemesis Daemonhammer, Psyber Eagle)
Psychic Abilities (Precognition, Prescience, Scrizer's Gaze)

Heavy Support
Centurion Devastator Squad (Sgt with Missile/TL Lascannon/Omniscope. 2 Centurion with Grav Cannon/Grav Amp/Missile)

Eldar List (997 Points):

Primary Detachment (Combined Arms Detachment)

The Avatar of Khaine (Crushing Blow, The Wailing Doom)
Warlord Trait: An Eye on Distant Events (One use. On opponent's shooting phase, Warlord and Eldar units within 12" gets Stealth Rule)

Fire Dragons (5 Fire Dragons with Fusion Gun/Melta bombs)

Rangers (6 Rangers with Ranger Long Rifle/Shuriken Pistol)

Rangers (6 Rangers with Ranger Long Rifle/Shuriken Pistol)

Rangers (6 Rangers with Ranger Long Rifle/Shuriken Pistol)

Windrider Jetbike Squadron (Guardian with Shuriken Cannon. 2 Guardian with TL Shuriken Catapult)

Fast Attack
Warp Spiders (Exarch and 4 Spiders with Deathspinner)

Heavy Support
Wraith Lord (2 Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken Catapult and Flamer)

Wraith Lord (2 Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken Catapult and Flamer)

This was my first time playing Space Marines, and Mark's first time playing Eldar for this edition. Was a little intimidated by the Avatar that was seemingly larger than the Wraithlords, but I believe in the power of the Centurions! It was interesting to note that Mark decided to try an abnormal "Footdar" list, where the sight of those terrible vehicles were nowhere to be seen. o.0
Mark had infiltrated all his rangers, which put them near the halfway point of the map. Yikes!

"I want to ride mah bicycle~~~" - Red nameless Chapter Master

"Boss! Why are we hiding behind this puny cover? We are the mighty Centurion Squad!"

"Alright guys...We gotta make sure those stupid Marines don't break our line!"

Was pretty happy when Mark placed his warriors here until....

....they grew up...-.-'

I got to deploy first even though Mark got the roll off. Mark then tried to seize the initiative but failed. Game commences!

Turn 1
I tried to force a turn 1 drop pod onto his back lines. Sadly, the dice gods weren't very pleased with me and it turned into a mishap. I rolled a 3 which allowed Mark to place me right at my right most corner of the map. Oh happy days -.-. I moved my bikes with my warlord to secure one of the objective markers whilst the Centurions along with Coteaz were already sitting on another marker.

Would have been a pretty good flank attack as well...if not for the darned mishap...

Too damn far away man...

I managed to cast Prescience on the Centurions. Yay psychic!

Shooting was pretty lackluster (as usual.....) for my army. With the drop pod and Space Marines from the right corner of my edge, they only managed to take out 1 Ranger from all the shooting. The bikes managed to pick off half of the Rangers on the other side of the map. The Centurions, however, brought their A-game and managed to take a Wraithlord down to 1 wound from 3 wounds among the 3 missile launchers thanks to Prescience. Go Centurions!

"Don't mind us! We're just parking around here dude :D"

Mark was pretty fast at retaliating as he moved most of his units in his back lines to grab hold of 2 objective markers. The Warp Spiders were pretty fast at advancing from his side of the table into the trenches. His bikes also started making advances on my right flank while the Wraithlord/Avatar trio sauntered through the left flank. So much movement...

The Wraithlord had an amazing shooting phase, taking down 2 of the 5 bikes in the squad(Passed leadership test). The Rangers on my right flank shot 3 out of the 5 Marines from the drop pod (Passed their test too yo!). His Warp Spiders managed to inflict a wound on one of the Centurions. Noooooooooooo~~

"Damned Rangers!! We're just here for parking only!"

"Arghhh! I'm hit boss!"
Turn 2
And because the dice gods didn't favour me again, the second drop pod didn't manage to enter into play (sigh....). I moved my remaining Marines forward to try and go in contact with the Rangers that were shredding the Tac Squad into minced meat. Bike squad repositioned so that everyone can fit behind the walls of the ruins.

Managed to cast Prescience on the Centurions again. :D PRE----SCIENCE-----

The bike squad managed to take down one more Ranger on the left flank (Passed test. Damn..). Combined fire from the 2 Marines and the drop pod took down one more Ranger on the right flank. (They passed that too :[ ). Centurion and Coteaz managed to take out 1 Warp Spider. : /

"Move it team! Move it!!"

The glow in Mark's eyes when he looked over to the Avatar did not bode well for this new Space Marines player over here. His bikes moved into cover in the ruins on the right flank while his Wraithlord and Avatar moved closer to the bikers on the left flank. Warp Spiders move further to meet the Centurions positioned in the ruins.

Slowly...the Eldar moved towards the Space Marines.

"We'll hold ground here! The Wraithlords are coming to assist us!"

"Shhhhh...don't let the Centurions see us!"

One Wraithlord managed to take out another biker, leaving the squad with only the Chapter Master and another fellow biker. One more marine gets shot down by the Rangers on the right flank (Made leadership test!!!!). Surprisingly, the Centurions remained sturdy and sustained no wounds from the Warp Spiders! Small mental win!

"Who's your daddy now?"
Turn 3
Thank the heavens that the drop pod is finally in to contest one of the objectives that Mark's Fire Warriors were holding. I moved the bike squad up to clean up the 2 remaining Rangers on an objective on the left flank, while my lone Marine marched slowly towards his inevitable doom towards the Rangers on the right flank.

Prescience is the best thing ever~~ Centurions gets buffed once again!

The group of Tac Squad that came in from the drop pod managed to ALMOST clean up the fire warriors holding an objective (bummer...). Bike squad managed to take the remaining Rangers on the left flank out (:D). Lone Marines with corner drop pod managed to take out one more Ranger, forcing a leadership test (which he passed again -.-) Centurions managed to take out 2 of the remaining 4 Warp Spiders (Passed again...man...)


What?! Why no finish whole squad :(....

Moving dem bikers foward now. I'm looking at you, Rangers...

The final stand for the poor Marines...

Oh...Now Mark's mighty mad. Positioning everything to move towards the remaining squad I have, although he moved his Warp Spiders back to assist the lone Fire Warrior on the objective.

The other Wraithlord, Warp Spiders and the lone Fire Warrior poured all their firepower onto the 5 man Tac Team, leaving only 1 lonely Marine remaining. He fails the leadership test and begins running back to find his Mommy, only to find himself closer to the Warp Spiders. The Rangers on the right flank finally put the lone Marine to rest...while the Chapter Master manages to avoid damage from the firepower that one of the Wraithlord was putting on him. The happiness was shortlived when the Wraithlord and the Avatar of Khaine decided to charge him, which both managed to succeed.

The Hammer of Wrath was too much for the biker to sustain and he was kicked off the face of the planet, while the Chapter Master sustained 1 wound from the Wraithlord's HoW. Battle then ensued between these individuals, with the Chapter Master down to his last wound while inflicting nothing. He passed his test though, which is nice...I think..
The lonely Marine, however, suffered an ill fate of getting ripped into pieces by the Warp Spiders...


"Oh sh**..."
Turn 4
I didn't have anything left on the board to move really, but I utilized the Ultramarine's chapter tactics that allowed my SM units to reroll failed hits and my Centurions on failed hits of 1s, so on to the Psychic phase~

Prescience didn't go off this round...Bummer man...at least I have my chapter tactics : /.

The Centurions took out the Wraithlord and Warpspiders (Thank you omniscope!) with impressive firepower.. Drop pods managed to pick of the lone fire warrior at the end along with one Ranger on the right flank....And it's on to the exciting (not...) battle!!

....and as expected, the Chapter Master took a final stand for the greater good and got smashed by the Avatar... :(...The Wraithlord and Avatar then consolidated closer to my Centurion/Coteaz unit..

But due to time constraints...Mark and I agreed on calling the game a draw.

Post game thoughts:

It was a pretty fun game considering the fact that both Mark and I fielded our armies for the first time. We learnt quite a lot from the battle. But still, Footdar seems like a really weird way for an Eldar to play. :d

Well..that's it for this batrep! To more batreps in the making! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!!!

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